ECOlogy & ECOnomy – A LABoratory for youth workers

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Name: ECOLAB – ECOlogy & ECOnomy – A LABoratory for youth workers
Project type: Training Course
Partners: Sdruzhenie “MOGA” – Bulgaria | Association Pozitiva Samobor – Croatia | Be Visible Be YOU – Greece | the bettermaking Ifjúsági Alapítvány – Hungary | ORIEL ETS – Italy | SlasT Education – North-Macedonia | I LIKE CZERSK – Poland | Asociația ARYAS NGO – Romania | VIBE SLOVAKIA – Slovakia | Avrasya Genclik Gelisim Dernegi – Turkey
Duration: 18. 03. 2022. – 24. 03. 2022. (without travel days)
Place: CĂPĂȚÂNENI, Romania


Név:  ECOLAB – ECOlogy & ECOnomy – A LABoratory for youth workers
Típus: Tréning
Partnerek: Sdruzhenie “MOGA” – Bulgária | Association Pozitiva Samobor – Horvátország | Be Visible Be YOU – Görögország | the bettermaking Ifjúsági Alapítvány – Magyarország | ORIEL ETS – Olaszország | SlasT Education – Észak-Macedónia | I LIKE CZERSK – Lengyelország | Asociația ARYAS NGO – Románia | VIBE SLOVAKIA – Slovákia | Avrasya Genclik Gelisim Dernegi – Törökország
Időtartam: 2022. 03. 18. – 2022. 03. 24. (utazási napok nélkül)
Helyszín: CĂPĂȚÂNENI, Románia


= Develop global environmental awareness.
= Acquire up-to-date scientific information on the issues and the present solutions for environmental sustainability.
= Develop youth workers’ abilities to transform information in practical activities for environmental education, using non-formal methods.


= A környezetvédelmi tudatosság növelése
= Naprakész információk átadása a problémákról és a jelenlegi megoldások módszertanának ismertetése
= Fejleszteni az ifimunkások képességeit az információk csatornázására gyakorlati cselekvési tervekké a környezetvédelmi oktatásban – nem-formális oktatási módszerekkel

Activities and Methods

Ecology as science (data, research, facts): Where we are? Life and climate; In science we trust! The world’s energy system.

Ecology as politics: COP; Legal system; Green movements & campaigns; The future of climate activism; Climate adaptation policies.

Ecology & Economy: Big-Oil & ZERO Emission; The discreet charm of nuclear power; The uses and abuses of green finance; Green investing and the need for state action

Ecology and us: Eating our way to a more sustainable future; Who should fix climate change? Humanity impact on Earth’s climate; Youth work & ecology. Between Scylla and Charybdis.

European Green Deal: Circular Economy Action Plan; Emissions Trading System; Energy Taxation Directive; EU Forest Strategy; Climate Neutrality.

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Aktivitások és programok

Ekológia, mint tudomány (adatok, kutatások, tények): Hol vagyunk mi? Élet és klíma; a tudományban bízzunk! A világ energiaellátása

Ekológia, mint politika: COP, Jogrendszer, Zöld mozgalmak és kampányok; a jövő klímaaktivistái; 

Ekológia & Ekonómia: Big-Oil & Zero Kibocsátás; A nukleáris erő diszkrét bája; A zöld erőforrások használata és kihasználása; Zöld befektetések és az állami beavatkozások szükségessége

Ekológia és mi: Együk magunkat egy fenntarthatóbb jövőbe; Kinek kellene helyrehoznia a klímaproblémákat? Emberiség hatása a Föld klímájára; Ifimunka és az ekológia; Szkülla és Karübdisz között

Az Európai Zöld Megállapodás: A körforgásos gazdaság cselekvési terve; Kibocsátásszabályozó Rendszer; Energiaadózási iránymutatás; EU Erdőstratégia; Klímasemlegesség

The project ECOLAB started with a looong-long train trip to Sibiu – after I spent the night on a train. At the Sibiu Train Station, one of the participants was waiting for me and guided me all around the city – and I gained a lot of knowledge about the city and Romania. Later that they 3 other participants and I left for Capataneni (where ECOLAB was held). The car trip was amazing being surrounded by mountains and I can say that I enjoyed the whole travel regardless of whether I was dead tired.
When we arrived at the venue, everyone greeted us warm-heartedly and even on the first day I met almost every participant – people from North Macedonia, Greece, Turkey, and Bulgaria.
Every day started with breakfast, after that, we heard and hold workshops about different topics: environment protection, Green Deal, climate changes and so on. After dinner, we hold international nights, where we learned about others cultures (one country each day).
In the middle of the program, we visited the Dracula Castle but as we cannot enter it, we choose to visit a monastery.
During my time spent there, I have made lifelong friendships and it felt like being a big-big family. I’ve made a lot of memories and gained even more experience. And I’d like to encourage everyone to try out these projects!
Zsombor Ferenczi


International friends, diversity and amazing program, learning from and with each other… these things give the zest of the Erasmus+ projects!

Between 18 and 27 of March, during the ECOLAB – ECOlogy & ECOnomy – A LABoratory for Youth Workers project we learnt a lot about ecology while we were included some interesting programs as well. We touched the topics of economy, politics and society – and we made think tanks to solve the current problems related to them.

As for teamwork we made 4 escape rooms in English for yougsters, too.

Every night we had International Nights to get a little touch from other cultures and show others our own – thigs such as gastronomy, traditions and so on.

Also, we had a trip to the Vidraru-lake and we have visited the attractions of Curtea de Arges and by this we learned new things about Romania.

The project turned out being rich in experience of useful things while me made lifelong friendships.

Dóra Szejke


The project „ECOLAB – ECOlogy & ECOnomy – A LABoratory for youth workers” was financed with the support of the European Commission through Erasmus+ Programme. This blog reflects only the author’s views, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Az „ECOLAB – ECOlogy & ECOnomy – A LABoratory for youth workers” projekt az Európai Bizottság támogatásával jött létre, az ERASMUS+ Programon keresztül. Jelen bejegyzés csak a szerkesztő nézőpontját osztja meg, a Bizottság semmilyen formában nem vonható felelősségre az itt feltüntetett információkért.

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